BioScan SRT: Holistic Health Screening

Stress, poor sleep, and a lack of energy are common complaints in our stressful world. But, has your doctor been able to help you with seemingly vague health issues that arise from the pressure of your daily life? Unfortunately, conventional medicine is often guilty of neglecting your skin rashes, headaches, and problems with your gut.

A more holistic approach to your health can help you address these symptoms The BioScan SRT is a screening tool which can access all organs and systems in your body to identify stressors and possible allergies and intolerances that may upset your body’s balance. Rather than looking at a single body part, organ, or system as is common practice in conventional medicine screening1, BioScan gives you a more comprehensive perspective.

How Conventional Medicine Screens For Disease

The field of medicine is forever changing and developing. New medications are being developed every day and so are new diagnostic tests. Doctors have never been in a better position to identify the cause of your symptoms and treat disease.

However, symptoms such as a general lack of energy and “just not feeling like yourself” don’t explain where the problem might lie. And standard blood tests may still not get to the root cause of the problem, leaving you frustrated and still not feeling great2. Considering that everything in your environment has an impact on your health, it can be difficult to identify what is making you feel unwell. You may be unaware that your favourite food contains a substance that doesn’t agree with you, or the chemicals in your shampoo are doing you harm. Perhaps there is mold on your bathroom ceiling and you are breathing in the spores. Or your symptoms are the result of an unhealthy gut microbiome.

Understanding what is triggering your unexplained symptoms requires a holistic approach, recognising that health is not just related to a person’s physiology, but also closely linked to psychological, sociological, developmental, spiritual, and cultural factors3.

BioScan SRT offers another way to identify the root cause of symptoms.

BioScan SRT combines the disciplines of Acupuncture, Biofeedback, and Homeopathy and can provide quick, accurate insight into your health status4. By testing your body’s response to certain substances, you can make informed choices in your diet, living environment, and personal health journey.

The BioScan’s innovative technology uses a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) testing method that draws on acupuncture, biofeedback, and homeopathy. A BioScan test is done by attaching electrodes to each of your middle fingers and connecting the other end of the wires to the BioScan SRT system. And then, a very low electrical current is passed through your body testing your body’s response to various stressors. The machine records this reaction and analyses it using innovative software to identify the source of any stress or disease5.

The computer software does all the work, and the technician can help you make sense of the results. She will offer understanding, guidance and practical advice for overcoming your unique collection of symptoms.

Using BioScan for Holistic Health Screening

You are not alone if you are suffering from a collection of seemingly unrelated symptoms. The signs that you need to pay attention to your health can include:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Heartburn
  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Joint pain
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent colds
  • Allergies
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Weight changes

There is seldom an apparent cause for these problems, However, the BioScan SRT, which has been cleared by the FDA and is used by holistic medical practitioners worldwide to identify the underlying functional problems that cause disease6. Can assist in better understanding what is going on and how to take to practical steps to address the root cause.

Everything in the world is made up of energy, and every substance has a unique “energetic fingerprint”7. The digital signatures of thousands of substances known to cause stress in the human body are programmed into the BioScan software. These stressors include:

  • Foods
  • Food additives
  • Chemicals
  • Emotional patterns
  • Environmental conditions
  • Supplements
  • Environmental toxins

The typical response to each stressor has been scientifically established and included in the BioScan software. So, any reaction that falls outside the baseline parameters indicates that the substance is causing stress and may be contributing to disease.

The Benefits of BioScan

A BioScan SRT test is not a once-off procedure. Instead, the results tell you where you stand at the time of the test. So, regular screening is required to keep you on track and to monitor your progress. It allows you to take charge of your health and improve your wellbeing.

The human body is designed to heal itself. But in the modern world, where we are constantly surrounded by physical and mental stress, that process is hampered. A BioScan screening test can identify the priority areas that need your attention so that you can take the necessary action to improve your health.

Some of the benefits of BioScan are:

  • Adaptability – your test can be modified to focus on factors such as nutrition, physical health, mental health and the effects of stress on your body.
  • Quick and easy – your test results are available immediately.
  • Capable of assessing all organs and systems in the body.
  • Identifies substances that cause stress in the body and the degree to which they are a problem.
  • Identifies what foods are best for you (and those you should avoid).

BioScan for a Holistic Approach to Health

Opting for a holistic approach to your health gives you more control over your physical and mental wellbeing.

BioScan SRT can detect your body’s response to thousands of substances and situations, placing your healthcare in the palm of your hand. Knowledge is power. So, when you are aware of what may be causing your symptoms, you can take action to change your exposure to them. Whether you suffer from frequent headaches, digestive issues, or other unexplained symptoms a BioScan SRT screening test can help you find the answers to help you overcome it.


  1. Baerheim A. The diagnostic process in general practice: has it a two-phase structure? Family Practice [Internet]. 2001 Jun 1 [cited 2022 Aug 22];(3):243–5. Available from:
  2. Watson J, de Salis I, Banks J, Salisbury C. What do tests do for doctors? A qualitative study of blood testing in UK primary care. Family Practice [Internet]. 2017 Jun 13 [cited 2022 Aug 22];(6):735–9. Available from:
  3. Jasemi M, Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Keogh B, Taleghani F. Effective factors in providing holistic care: A qualitative study. Indian Journal of Palliative Care [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2022 Aug 22];(2):214. Available from:
  4. ihtmarketing. Holistic Approach To Health In A Short-Sighted World – IHT [Internet]. IHT.; 2022 [cited 2022 Aug 22]. Available from:
  5. ihtmarketing. What Is Galvanic Skin Response (GSR)? – IHT [Internet]. IHT.; 2021 [cited 2022 Aug 22]. Available from:
  6. Learn About The BioScan System Plus More – IHT [Internet]. IHT.; [cited 2022 Aug 22]. Available from:
  7. Sanchez-Comas A, Synnes K, Molina-Estren D, Troncoso-Palacio A, Comas-González Z. Correlation Analysis of Different Measurement Places of Galvanic Skin Response in Test Groups Facing Pleasant and Unpleasant Stimuli. Sensors [Internet]. 2021 Jun 19 [cited 2022 Aug 22];(12):4210. Available from:

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